Monday, May 25, 2009

10 Smart Moves for Women Who Want to Succeed in Love and in Life by: Dianna Booher

Hi! As promised, this is the continuation of the Smart Moves. I hope these smart moves would help women out there.
  • Find a way to make your passion your work
  • Be specific about your goals
  • Add deadlines (Goals push us, goals pull us, goals define us)
  • A goal should serve as a guide, not a gun to your head
  • Develop an action plan (Smart women survey their resources)
  • Chart your progress along the way
  • It takes courage to change course. But then smart women have courage.
  • Smart women correct their courses. It Happens. - Smart women define success in their own terms: Success may mean holding an executive position in a Top 500 company. Success may mean learning new skills, raising well adjusted kids, running a mansion, providing excellent customer service, winning the starring role in a play, it may also mean growing your own company.

SMART women set sail on their own sea of success. They find and stir the passion inside them until it becomes the flame that sweeps them into genuine success - personal fulfilment.


  • Smart women decide things - and then move on.
  • Why do we dally around with decision? We fear making the wrong decision. We fear taking responsibility for ourselves.
  • Learn to make that hard decisions.
  • Take calculated risks - because some decisions require risk. Sometimes not to take a risk can be the biggest risk of all.
  • Smart women who plan to make a difference in the world have to believe that a difference can be made.
  • Indecision about handling conflict causes major stress. Right or wrong, there are decisions and commitments that cannot be delegated or relegated to someone else.
  • Recognize procrastination and perform above par
  • Accept responsibility for your decisions.
  • Smart women deliver results not excuses.
  • Smart women exercise self-discipline themselves and they expect others to do the same. Here's what smart women do differently to accomplish more:
  1. Feed & exercise your mind
  2. Cultivate curiosity
  3. Focus & concentrate
  4. Avoid trying to complete a project when they have to wait for information
  5. Bunch similar tasks
  6. Create systems & processes for the routine so they don't waste energy on rethinking
  7. Eliminate the busywork
  8. Try not to tell people things they already know
  9. Do things right the first time so they don't have to do them over
  10. Set priorities
  11. Plan
  12. Prepare for the worst
  13. Organize yourselves, your workspace, information & tools
  14. Schedule optimally
  15. Work according to your natural rhythm
  16. Forget the clock
  17. Learn to delegate
  18. Ask questions upfront
  19. Listen to the answers
  20. Ask for reasons
  21. Welcome new ideas
  22. See obstacles as opportunities
  23. Study past mistakes
  24. Tame your tongue
  25. Say yes with pleasure
  26. Say no when yo have to - with a smile :)
  27. Pay attention to detail
  28. See the big picture
  29. Hire capable people
  30. Hire slowly but fire quickly
  31. Pay for quality

Do what you can...every 10 minutes. If you can't swallow the whole work / task all at once, break it into do-able chunks. I am doing it with my general cleaning....

Practice persistence. Don't do more than you can do. But do all that you can do. Committing to more than you can do is the surest way to lose your credibility. Doing what you say you will do is the fastest track to confidence - yours and theother person.

Smart women take the calculated risks, handle confrontation , perform above par, put in the effort, right the wrongs and deliver the results. In short, smart women decide, smart women determine. smart women do. They don't drift.

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